Just a time ago a woman named Jacqueline Ades got accused of sending a man 159000 weird messages and breaking into his house after they had just gone on a single date. Now the woman finally broke her silence on the issue. In a recent interview now Ades said that she still can’t see the reason why she is ending up in jail. She wants her case to be on trial and believes that if it does the jury will have to find her not guilty and ask the man who accused her of harassment.

Ades also spoke with a local newspaper in the US, the Arizona Republic and said that she can’t believe that she has been held in jail since May 2018 after she was accused of harassment. Almost messages she sent in the ten-month period were really intense. some of them were like, “I’d make sushi outta ur kidneys n chopsticks outta ur hand bones.” Some another text said, “oh what would I do w ur blood! Id wanna bathe in it’ and ‘don’t ever try to leave me… I’ll kill you.”

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When police arrested Ades she was in the bath in that man’s house. She said, “I can’t believe that it turned into this. I can’t believe that I’m actually in jail over some text messages.” She said she finds everything ridiculous and she hasn’t thought she could be in jail for sending some text messages. Ades said that the man responded to her in the initial few months. She continued with saying that she thought what would she think if she had a perverted imagination and that made her send these weird messages to the man. But let’s admit 159000 weird messages is too much.

After getting arrested, She was punished with 10 years of probation and being banned from contacting the alleged victim at a hearing in March 2018. Her lawyer also said that she was found to be mentally incompetent and could have saved herself from being in jail for so long and already be out from there.

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