Kids these days are really advanced and doing some really amazing things. Here we have got you a story of one such kid who is just a 16-year-old and doing some extraordinary things that we just couldn’t imagine at her age. The 16-YO has asked everyone to take action against global warming. Her name is even pushed forward in the race of Nobel Peace Prize.

The 16-year-old we are talking about is Greta Thunberg from Sweden. The girl is quite popular for her stand against global warming. Since begining Greta has been very vocal about climate change in her speeches.
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Impressed with wonderful deeds, Norweigian lawmakers have proposed her name for the Nobel Peace Prize.

“Greta Thunberg, the Swedish schoolgirl climate campaigner who has inspired worldwide protests, should be awarded this year’s Nobel Peace Prize,” said Norwegian lawmakers said on Thursday.
While praising Greta and showing their concern regarding environmental issues Norwegian Socialist Left MP Freddy Andre Ovstegard said that “We have proposed Greta Thunberg because if we do nothing to halt climate change it will be the cause of wars, conflict and refugees.”

Let us tell you that Greta has launched a mass movement which is being seen as a good initiatve towards global peace.
Few months ago nobody knew who she is. She went global at the age of 15 when she camped outside Sweden’s parliament next to a hand-written sign: “SCHOOL STRIKE FOR CLIMATE.”

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“It’s obviously a great honour and nice to be nominated for such a big prize, it feels unreal, and a little strange,” said Greta after knowing about her name being in the race of Nobel Peace Prize.

According to the data of Nobel Institute, by now a total number of 304 individuals and organizations have been nominated for Nobel Peace Price.