Imagine what the world would have looked like if kittens of the size of a huge building dwelled in it. Fransdita Muafidin, an Indonesian artist and graphic designer just created some spectacular illustrations on what it would be like to live in a world with some giant cats and the result is just amazing. The artist has more than over 17k followers on Instagram. Like any other person, the artist too seems to enjoy the exceptionally large cats. He edited the pictures of cats to make them appear big.
You will be surprised to see the brilliant hysterical photoshop staring giant cats plundering through the urban landscapes. These giant cats are surfacing all over social media platforms. The feasibility of the illustrations made them so popular. You’ll see theses giant kittens treating our cities as their own private places.
Scroll down below to see some illustrations by the artist which illustrates what would happen if giant cats lived among us!
More Info: Instagram

2. Tunnel’s Cat

3. Saturday Night

4. Vacation

5. Stuck

6. The perfect weather for a nap

7. Maybe this is the reason why the Leaning Tower of Pisa leans!

8. Kidnapped

9. Hi human!

10. This cat has opted for a cruise.

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11. Attack on cat

12. This tired cat causing traffic jams.

13. Part time work

14. Evacuation

15. How do I get down?

16. Monday mood

17. Chilling

18. Creating riots all over the world

19. The first cat is helping the other one to climb the building.

20. Quiet Please

21. There is a bed everywhere if you try hard enough

22. Sleep

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