The V- sign is a hand gesture made by raising one index and middle finger and separating them to make a V shape with other fingers clenched inside and palm facing outwards. In this time making this sign while being photographed is quite common. The V shape sign through the hand is considered as the sign of peace or victory.

The trend started in the twentieth century but didn’t widespread in the 1960s instead became popular in the 1980s. When the baseball exponent Kyojin No Hoshi (Star of The Giants), in 1968 entered a game his father gave his compliance with this sign. Later, the volleyball based TV series, Sain Wa V used this sign and got good response from the audience. Also with the series’ theme song which sung victory.

Later, Janet Lynn an 18 year old American skater in 1972 Olympics was expected to bring a golf medal but was failed as she fall down during her performance. But she stood up and smiled and did not show any bleakness. “They could not understand how I could smile knowing that I could not win anything,” she told Time. Though when she threw a V sign on media tours in Japan which became a ethnic occurrence but Japanese media give the credit for the popularity of the V sign to Jun Inoue, a local singer who performed with his band, ‘The Spiders.’ He was also seen throwing this v sign many times during the shooting of the commercial for Konica cameras.

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Later on the use of cameras became way too popular and and ‘kawaii,’ the japanese culture came into trend. Jason Karlin,

In Asia, the V sign or the peace sign now is considered as the statuary sign which is made while being photographed. whatever may be the reason for the beginning of this trend but this has become a habitual culture that mostly everyone does while clicking pictures.
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