Nobody likes pimples and that’s why we try to get rid of them as soon as we see a sign of them. And popping a pimple to make it go away tops the list. You may think that you got rid of the pimple but there are many layers to this. Pimples store the trapped oil inside them. And also the secretion of the sebaceous glands that is called sebum. There are many right ways to get rid of them but popping is not one of them.

As you squeeze your zit, it may push the substances deeper into the skin. Along with sebum and oil, a zit also holds bacterias. And as you squeeze it, the infection can make it appear more red and swollen. and that’s the opposite of getting rid of it. Squeezing it can also leave marks and stabs, and they can convert into permanent scars in the future.
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Our dead skin shed regularly, but sometimes a part of our dead skin can remain behind and get glued to the sebum. Now, in order to remove it, the sebaceous glands start producing more sebum. Also, the sebum allows the growth of the bacteria and can cause a bacterial infection that can cause more pimples on your skin.

There are various methods that can be used to get rid of it. However, having pimples is not that serious. They go away on their own only if you stay patient for a while and don’t touch them every then and now. But if you think that it’s getting serious then you can go to a physician and he will guide you properly into what you should do and what shouldn’t. Plus there are also medicines for it. And you will finally get the glowing skin again.

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