Every parent has certain parameters for the person their child is dating. And when it comes to our daughters, the expectations get higher. Everyone want their daughter to be with someone who is respectful, kind, and caring, and maybe looks too? Right? Well! for some people looks doesn’t matter, not for Mississipi mother Heather Boyer at least, as she slams racist happily let her daughter date a black guy.
More Info: Heather Boyer/Facebook

Recently Boyer’s daughter started dating a guy, who happened to be black. However, the mother got impressed with the way he treats her daughter. Hence, she accepted the guy, because for Heahter all that matters in a relationship is love.

According to Heather, she had no option to not accepting the guy because he has all the characterisitcs that her daughter deserves.
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Soon after her mother’s approval, the young girl changed her profile picture on one of her social media handles and uploaded a new picture with her boyfriend.

After a while of updating her profile picture, people started commenting on it, some comments was really racist. Sadly, not everyone is as understanding as her mom.
An acquaintance of them thought that Boyer may have an issue with the skin color of her daughter’s new boyfriend and texted something racist to her, unknowing the fact that Boyer has already accepted the guy. Yes, when her daughter updated the profile picture, Boyer received a text. “I didn’t know she was dating a black boy, did you?” the text read.
Boyer was
People really appreciated this step of Boyer. Some of them even replied with their own pictures of interracial relationships.
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