As we all know we should never entirely believe everything that is on the internet or whatever that media shows us. There could be a possibility of media manipulation in it. For gaining the publicity or raising the TRP bar, the media sometimes hides the actual reality in a way that would make it more interesting and attention seeking. And sometimes they have to do it to make a certain politician look good. Either way manipulating the public for the sake of publicity is unfair to the audience. Today we are going to show you a serious of pictures that will let you know how the media is manipulating the truth over the years and what is the actual reality behind these images. This will give you a better understanding of finding out the difference between fake and real.
1. This soldier was only playing with the kids but media showed it in a way that it seems like he was scaring a child.
2. This is how media has hidden the truth in pro-immigration protest.
3. It’s all in the angles.
4. This image belongs from the tax protest in Paris, France.
Read More: Pictures Of ‘The Mountain’ From GOT And His Tiny Girlfriend Is Taking The Internet By Storm
5. This is how they manipulated truth of Hillary Clinton’s rally from Ohio.
6. Another picture showing how media hides the reality.
7. A picture from Hillary Clinton’s rally from Ohama.
8. What actually happened at the presidential inauguration of American Prime Minister Donald Trump.
9. Ever wondered how the newsreaders get such fine views behind their back? Well, here’s the truth.
10. While announcing their third children, Prince Williams pulls out three fingers and this is how the cameramen captured it.
11. This is what they do for publicity.
12. Deception vs Reality
13. Pictures showing how on cropping a certain picture you can manipulate the truth.