Women have come a long way. And today it is not very uncommon to see women in the police departments, military service, as doctors and nurses in hospitals, or firefighters or even as pilots. Some men find women in uniform incredibly attractive. But the personality that women in the uniform hold, can be very different from what they look like in their regular lives. We found 20 photos of gorgeous women in uniform and their glamorous double lives on the internet, and we cant stop swooning over them. We salute these women for having such bad-ass personalities on duty as well as at home.
1. This pretty cop lady in a body-hugging red dress is so beautiful

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2. This lady who is a pilot seems to have a rigorous work out routine to have that kind of body

3. Another woman who is a cop in a cute night out photo

4. We are sure that the men in the background must be hard to concentrate

5. This African-American military officer is no short of a professional model in real life

6. If the police officers in my country looked this pretty, I would not hesitate to commit a small crime

7. Would you have guessed shes from the military?

8. Her flexibility is commendable

9. Drop dead gorgeous

10. Her smile is everything

11. With those looks and that attitude, we are sure they will win any war

12. Her body is so toned and ripped

13. A perfect example of work hard and play hard

14. Firefighter by profession but she could definitely be a model

15. Same pose in different outfits

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16. She makes us want to fall sick to be treated by a pretty doc like her

17. A flawless combination of grit and beauty

18. Who would imagine this petite and pretty girl would be a professional shooter

19. This beautiful sun-seeker looks equally stunning in her police uniform

20. We are out of words…