Dog or a statute? That is the viral question on social media. Yes, a picture of a dog recently got viral over social media which is smacking everybody’s mind. The netizens are trying hard to find out whether the picture shows an actual dog or just a statue? Well! if you want to try and find out the answer, below is the picture.

So what’s your answer? A dog or a statue? Well! I am sure, at first, the picture almost convinced you that it is actually a statue but let me tell you that it is not a statue but a real pup.

Sandra Pineda, a 22-year-old medical student from Quezon City, Philippines, shared a picture of her pup, Piper, who belongs to a rare species. Shockingly, the picture racked up 10k likes just in an hour.
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And more than thousands of people commented on the picture with the question, ‘Is that a dog or a statue?’ Now, this viral question is making everyone’s crazy.Let us tell you that the pup belongs to the rarest species called Xoloitzcuintli. Xoloitzcuintli also known as Xolo, it is a hairless Mexican dog. Sandra, the medical student bought her Piper back in March, when she was just 2-months-old.

Talking about the viral comments on Pieper’s picture Sandra said “It was so funny to see all these compliments coming through of people thinking Piper was a statue. They were all really confused and asking me whether she was real or not.” At first, Sandra thought people were joking but then she realized that everyone is actually confused.
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As Sandra loves her dog a lot, initially she felt little bad but soon after she realized that her Pieper is so great to be mistaken as a piece of art. Well! there is a serious matter attached to this viral question which is people’s negligiance towards the Xolo dogs. “Some people don’t see Piper’s beauty or her regal look which baffles me because I think she’s gorgeous. I think people should give Piper, and all Xolos and other hairless dogs a chance, because they’re really the sweetest and funniest pups you will ever meet,” said Sandra

According to the National Geographic Xoloitzcuintlis dogs exist for last 3,500 years. This species of dog played a crucial role in Aztec and Maya civilization.