Telling exam results to any parent is a mammoth task for a child. The reason behind it is the high expectations which almost every parent has from their kid. Most of the time, children are scared of the punishment they would get for getting bad marks. Something similar has happened in Luoyang, Henan. A Chinese mother decided to abandon her own son when he failed to score the ‘expected’ marks in an exam.
The Chinese mother not only left her 12-year-old boy on the streets but also punished him for scoring 81 per cent in his exam. Now, you may be wondering, what’s wrong with 81 per cent? Well, the mother wanted her son to score 95 per cent at least and he was not able to achieve it.
Image credits: Pear Video

The incident took place on the streets of Luoyang, Henan province China. As soon as the locals saw the Chinese mother leaving her kid, they decided to call the police on the scene. The police officers in Gucheng district then confirmed that the mother left her son because he failed to score the expected marks in his exam.
The police officers interviewed the kid and then contacted her mother with the help of her car’s licence plate. The Chinese mother was still angry and replied to the police officer with an unbelievable statement. She said:
“I don’t want him anymore. You can do whatever you want with him. You can even charge me.”

The police officers were shocked on hearing the answer where mother abandons son and called her an irresponsible mother. The boy spent at least an hour at the police station and was later picked up by his uncle.
Also Read: The Inspiring Story Of A Father Who Sacrificed Everything For The Education Of His Son
Well, marks not always define the credibility of a child and the talent s/he possesses. So, let’s not run behind the marks, just try to educate our kids.