We all have been shocked a number of times by the beauty and patterns of nature. But trees grown in perfect concentric circles are something you must have not witnessed yet! Nobody had ever thought that a 50-year-old bizarre experiment would yield such mysterious and unique results. In the Miyazaki Prefecture of southern Japan, innumerable of trees rise toward the sky, which leads to such amazing concentric circles. People often get curious to know the reason behind this pattern.
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A decision was taken in 1973 by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries regarding spacing of trees and growth, as per the documents. Back then space was named as “experimental forestry” and during this researchers planted the trees in 10-degree radial increments to form 10 concentric circles.
The kind of visual and natural beauty we get to witness now was actually a bizarre experiment conducted 50-years back. This mysterious forest in Japan grew in a convex shape. The mysterious forest revealed that spacing definitely has unexpected results on growth. Rather than harvesting the trees in five years, officials of Japan wish to conserve this circular forest.
Google View of the concentric forest

Japan is working to conserve this beauty of nature whereas deforestation is at its high in many parts of the world. Encroachment in the rainforest for our own welfare has led to the deterioration in the beauty of nature. We all are living in such a scenario where we have inflicted enough damage to our mother earth and nature. Deforestation, Global warming are some of the threats which can be nicely dealt with by growing more and more trees. So, rather than cutting off a tree plant a new one.

It might be nearly impossible for a layman to create such wonders like this mysterious forest in Japan. But we can definitely contribute to our part and save our planet.