7 Mistakes That You Unknowingly Make On Daily Basis Regarding Your Oral Hygiene


Oral hygiene is an important part of our health. And despite that, we ignore it sometimes. Our little ignorance can cause many major issues in our oral cavity. Moreover, there are some major mistakes that you would be making on the daily basis regarding your oral health. The common things that we admit after being unaware of the consequences can cause us long-lasting trouble. Just brushing your teeth once or twice doesn’t call as taking care of them. There are so many aspects of oral hygiene that we are going to list today and also the mistakes that you would be making on daily basis.

So here we have a few oral hygienes that you should follow!

1. Just toothbrush is not enough.

Using other oral health devices can prove to be very effective when it comes to taking care of your teeth. Just toothbrush is not enough to keep your oral cavity clean and healthy. So using a mouthwash, dental floss and oral irrigator will really help you.

Mistakes That You Unknowingly Make On Daily Basis Regarding Your Oral Hygiene


2. Keeping gums healthy

We must forget to take care of our gums on daily basis but it is as important as our teeth. You can use your fingers and move it in a circular motion our your gums. You can also try a saline solution, oak bark or sage teas. And if your gums bleed often then don’t ignore it and do visit a dentist.

Mistakes That You Unknowingly Make On Daily Basis Regarding Your Oral Hygiene


3. Don’t press your toothbrush too hard.

Pressing your brush too hard against the teeth can cause bending of the brush hair and the deposits on your teeth don’t come out well. Also, brush too harsh can cause your gums to bleed so the best way is to brush gently.

Mistakes That You Unknowingly Make On Daily Basis Regarding Your Oral Hygiene


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4. Eat Sensibly

Eating food that contains a large amount of calcium, phosphorus, fluorine can cause your teeth to decay. So try to eat less the food items that contain a large amount of these minerals for example fish, cereals, dairy items, salts etc.

Mistakes That You Unknowingly Make On Daily Basis Regarding Your Oral Hygiene


5. Chew on both sides of your mouth

This is among the most common mistakes that you would be admitting on daily basis. We often chew food only on either side of our mouth. But it can cause the remaining part to develop cavities and decays as chewing has self-cleaning property.

Mistakes That You Unknowingly Make On Daily Basis Regarding Your Oral Hygiene


6. Get rid of tooth tartar

Remains of food inside our teeth can form a brownish layer called tooth tarter. The tooth tartar is definitely harmful to oral hygiene but a lot of us seems to ignore it. But getting rid of it through cleaning is a really important aspect of oral health.

Mistakes That You Unknowingly Make On Daily Basis Regarding Your Oral Hygiene


7. It’s never too late for braces

No matter how embarrassing it feels but you are never too old for braces. If you feel a bit of embarrassment then you can use invisible dental braces that gets fit at the back of your teeth.

Mistakes That You Unknowingly Make On Daily Basis Regarding Your Oral Hygiene
