We spend a lot of our money on ordering food, having parties, etc. Still, we sometimes complain about our lives for not having enough money to have a big house, an expensive car and to live a luxurious life. We even forget about those people who do not even have a shelter to live, food to eat and clothes to wear. We are so blinded by the fantasy of having a better and luxurious life that we often forget to cherish what we have.

But with this, some people realize that they are privileged to have a life that many others don’t have. A young girl, Leanne Carrasco from Texas realized this and canceled her graduation party to feed poor people. The young girl organized the event Star of Hope Center in Houston. She fed 400 homeless children living in the center by ordering 95 large pizzas.

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She did not just feed them with 95 large pizzas but also distributed hygiene bags that included toothbrushes, toothpaste, wipes, and deodorants to the homeless children. Her friends and family seeing this great initiative joined her and helped her with this. Leanne said that doing this was really important to her as she knows that everyone isn’t able to have these special moments and so she wanted to make it for some.

“Not a lot of people have the same options as me. It’s not fair. There are a lot of people who need help. So I give it”, she said. It is really inspiring and great to see someone doing this great work. The young girl canceled her graduation party just to bring happiness in someone else’s life. She surely would have received a lot of blessings for what good work she has done.

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