There are a lot of things that can reveal about the kind of personality you possess and your style of holding a mobile phone is one of them. Nowadays we have a mobile phone in our hand almost every hour that we are awake. It has became an inseparable part of our life and our body. People have their own way of handling their cell phone and there exists total of four styles in which you can use your cell unless you are someone who likes to think out of the box and likes to experiment with your phone. Anyway, so these four ways portray four different personalities that you could be having.
Know what your way of holding a cell phone portray about your personality:
1. Type A
If you like to hold your cell with one hand and types with the thumb then it says that you possess a strong memory, emotional stability, and a very interesting personality. You have flexibility in your emotions and known to be a hardworking person. You can never let go of people that you love and you are all about love and family. You have a hard time trusting someone too. And the things that make you stand out of the crowd is that you are really talented and ambitious.

2. Type B
If you hold your mobile phone with one hand and types with another then it portrays that Helpful, sensitive, and imaginative kind of a person. You are very sarcastic but kind of impatient. Besides this you love adventure and love being with friends. Although you are really not expressive but you are full of love. Sometimes you are too kind and sometimes people have to give you a reason so that you could trust them.

3. Type C
If you hold your mobile phone with two hands and type with both thumbs then it reveals that your personality is kind of flexible. You are imaginitive, creative, smart and confident kind of a person. Though you are full of responsibilty. And at the same time you always has this fear that you will disappoint someone. Besides this you are afraid of loneliness and boredom. You have high expectations from your partner and losing them scares you the most.

4. Type D
If you hold your phone with one hand and types with a finger of another hand then it means you are a

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